
When DBMS was founded in 1997, the 2.5 acre parcel was the only remaining waterfront property in Duxbury available for broad access to the Bay. Thanks to the generosity of the Ellison Foundation and many others, the DBMS campus was acquired and named in honor of William P. Ellison.

In 2000, DBMS replaced its aging and dilapidated bulkheads and constructed a new boat basin and launching ramp along the southerly edge of the campus. The school also acquired the properties on either side of the access road from Washington Street. In July 2003, the campus was enhanced by the demolition of two old structures, completion of a new residential building, and construction of a state of the art storm water management system.

In 2006, DBMS embarked on a $5mln campaign to complete the school’s master plan of providing safe and adequate facilities. After a lengthy fundraising process construction was completed just in time for 2009’s summer classes.  Through the efforts of many volunteers, staff and Board Members, we were able to realize our vision of a modern energy efficient building housing accessible classrooms, an erg room, Clifford Hall, administrative and commercial offices, locker room facilities and a large garage.

In 2018, DBMS took another massive step towards completing the William P. Ellison campus in launching the Campus Connection Campaign, Building a home for Rowing and Marine Science. Construction began in the fall of 2018 with the demolition of the last remaining structure of the past – the Old Tin Shed. In it’s place now stands the DBMS Rowing Center, a two-story facility to serve all adult and junior rowing participants and staff. Additionally, constructed within the Smith Building, is now the Powell Marine Science Center. Within, there is a large classroom, lab resources and two large touch-tanks that are home to the creatures of Duxbury Bay. With both facilities completed, DBMS is now able to serve more participants on a year-round basis while also continuing to provide them with enriching educational experiences.

Please come spend a few minutes relaxing in our rockers – we’d be delighted to give you a tour!