We work around the tides. Rule of thumb +/- 3 hours on high tide will provide plenty of water for sailing.

No. The DBMS Adult Racing Program is not a typical race program! Our program makes it easy and fun for adults to race sailboats on Duxbury Bay in a casual, teaching environment. Experienced and novice sailors are both welcomed. Our goal and hope is that the experienced sailors share their knowledge and passion with the newest sailors

Yes. For those that have not rented with DBMS within the past two (2) years a Checkout Sail is required.

The ‘Checkout’ Sail provides an opportunity for the Renter to demonstrate to one of the DBMS crew their sailing skills on either a Marshall 15 “Sandpiper” or a Flying Scot including: rigging / derigging; tossing mooring & reattaching to mooring (Recommended that the Sailor bring 1 crew to assist with mooring); basic sailing skills – tacking, gybing, rights of way.

Crew may be under 18 with parent or guardian approval.

Yes, participants are invited to bring their own Coast Guard-approved life jackets, but we have plenty for them to use for the duration of the program.

One of our intentions is to provide a pleasant sailing experience. As such, no wind, too much wind, or rain will all result in a rescheduling.

Safety is a number one priority at DBMS. When weather turns bad we will ensure everyone gets off the water as quickly as necessary. In a slowly developing situation we will have all boats return to the mooring or dock. In a rapidly developing situation we will arrange for a pick up, while leaving the sailboats partially derigged and anchored in the Bay. All Rental and Racing boats will be provided with a radio for communicating with DBMS (CH 71).

If you do encounter an issue that is not life-threatening contact DBMS on CH71 (all Renters will be provided with a handheld radio). In the event of a life-threatening emergency, contact the Harbormaster on CH16 or dial 911

Closed toe shoes (boat shoes recommended), layers, waterproof top, hat, sunglasses. Sunblock and a water bottle are also recommended.