Meet the Fleet

Marshall 15 (Sandpiper)

Originally designed and sailed as a rugged yet accommodating work boat. It is a single sail (gaff rigged) boat with a drop down centerboard. A great boat to learn to sail on.

RS Quest

A very stable environment for both youth and adults taking up sailing, as well as those wishing to move on to a more intermediate level, such as spinnaker handling. The RS Quest does all this very well in various wind conditions without becoming too much to handle. Instead, it keeps sailors engaged and does not overwhelm them while they are still gaining the confidence they need in the initial stages of experience afloat.

Flying Scot

A 19-foot centerboard sloop used for both family day sailing and racing. The Flying Scot is one of the oldest and largest one-design sailboat classes in the world. Sailed with a Main, Jib, and conditions permitting, a Spinnaker. The Flying Scot was inducted in the American Sailboat Hall of Fame in 1998.