High School

During the Fall and Spring competitive seasons, athletes must be enrolled at Duxbury HS to row at DBMS. During the Winter and Summer seasons, all athletes are welcome to participate.

“Novice” is defined as an athlete in their first year of high school competition; all 9th graders are considered Novices when they start the program.  “Varsity” is the top level of the sport.  Athletes who join the competitive team after 9th grade will typically start at the “Varsity” level unless they indicate a preference for Novice.

Athletes participating on Varsity teams are recognized with a Varsity letter by Duxbury High School for the Spring season.

Out of safety concerns, all athletes competing on our Fall/Spring rowing team will undergo a swim test during the first season they sign up for competitive rowing.  If the athlete has difficulty swimming, the DBMS coaching staff will work with the family to make accommodations for his/her swimming ability.  No athletes will be turned away due to swimming ability.

Basic athleticwear is appropriate for our competitive rowing program. Because our boats have sliding seats, the coaching staff recommends compression shorts. Additionally, late in the Fall season and early in the Spring, our athletes may encounter cold/wet weather, so appropriate layers and outwear are encouraged.

Other helpful items:

  • Running shoes
  • Sunglasses
  • Hat
  • Reusable water bottle

Our Spring/Fall Varsity athletes receive an eight-piece uniform kit as part of their registration. This kit includes their racing unisuit/one piece, sweatshirt, sweat pants, weather jacket, vest, long sleeve, tights and a backpack.

Novice athletes receive a racing shirt in the Fall & Spring seasons.

Our programs run rain or shine so please dress accordingly. If wind and water conditions are not ideal for being on the water, we will offer land based activities. It is typically colder here on the water so layers are best. Please send your child in lightweight athletic-type clothing that dries quickly. We have locker rooms if a child needs to change.

Middle School

No, knowledge of swimming is helpful but not mandatory. No athlete will be turned away due to swimming ability.

No, lifejackets are not required. In rowing, the coxswain (person who steers the boat) will wear a lifejacket but the rowers do not need to wear one as the coach will carry PFDs in her boat. The coach will never be far from the rowers in case of an emergency.

We take all precautions to ensure that the boats stay upright while rowing, yet in the unlikely event of a capsizing, the boat can be flipped over and held onto until participants are removed from the water. Do not try to swim away from the boat. The coach will distribute lifejackets until participants are rescued.

It is always a good idea to properly fuel before and after a workout. DBMS is a nut-free campus; please pack a nut-free snack or lunch if your child will be participating in multiple programs, or riding their bike to or from practice. We do not provide refrigeration.
Other helpful items:

All participants must wear closed-toed shoes. Shoes that can be easily slipped on like Crocs, water shoes, or old sneakers are good choices. Athletes may need to run or participate in calisthenics at practice and the shoes could also get wet in the boat or on the dock.

Basic lightweight athleticwear that dries quickly is appropriate for our rowing program. Because our boats have sliding seats, the coaching staff recommends compression shorts. Even in the summer, our athletes may encounter cold/wet weather, so appropriate layers and outwear are encouraged.

Other helpful items:

  • Sunglasses
  • Hat/Visor
  • Reusable water bottle
  • Sunscreen
  • Snack

Our programs run rain or shine so please dress accordingly. If wind and water conditions are not ideal for being on the water, we will offer land based activities. It is typically colder here on the water so layers are best. We have locker rooms if a child needs to change.

At DBMS, our goal is to make your child’s program experience a positive and educational one where they feel supported and included in daily activities.

In support of this goal, is there anything we should know about your child that would help them be more successful in their program at DBMS? Please give us a call at (781) 934-7555 x126 or email Program Director KariAnne Kulig at karianne@dbms.org.

US Rowing Safety

Proper rowing techniques and how to handle emergencies calmly and confidently. Whether you’re new to rowing or brushing up on your knowledge, this comprehensive guide aims to keep you safe, prepared, and ready to enjoy the sport to the fullest.

Please watch this video to make the best of your rowing on Duxbury Bay.