Single Scull (1x)
A narrow, one-person shell designed for maximum efficiency and speed on flat water. It provides a highly responsive rowing experience that demands balanced technique, as the athlete handles two oars independently. This boat is popular among both beginners looking to refine their stroke and seasoned rowers seeking a focused, individual challenge. For our middle school and adult recreational rowers, the singles are wider and therefore more stable boats that are nearly impossible to capsize.
Coastal Double (C2x)
We row the LiteBoat Duo, a 2-person sculling boat that is twice as fun and fast as the single! With a design crafted for open-water conditions featuring a wider, more stable hull than traditional racing shells, it’s built to handle waves and currents effectively. In the Inclusion category, an able-bodied rower could row with someone who needs support due to a disability. The parent-child event is also a fun way to race a double! Grab a friend and come explore the bay!
Coastal Coxed Quad (C4x+)
A sturdy four-person sculling shell with room for a driver (coxswain). Each rower handles two oars, and the boat’s wide hull provides stability in the rougher water. The coastal coxed quad is ideal for our novice scullers, middle school participants, and anyone who needs a little more support. This boat is ideal for rowing in Duxbury Bay, as our conditions can be more sporty than most!