Founders, Charitable investors in DBMS
A Founder has pledged or donated at least $25,000 to the Duxbury Bay Maritime School in the form of a single gift, a 5-year pledge or over a lifetime of giving. Gifts may be made via cash, check, stock-gifts or volunteer time.
About Founders
Since 1997, when the idea to create an inclusive school that would provide access to Duxbury Bay for the public was launched into a working plan, over $23 million in private funds has been raised to make that plan a vibrant reality. Today, well over 3,400 youth and adults participate in programs each year, and an impressive crop of “home grown” instructors have assumed leadership roles on the staff. The Ellison Campus’s Smith Building has become a South Shore destination that is used and appreciated by people of all ages, abilities and means for getting out on the water – or just watching and relaxing.
The investments made by DBMS Founders have built a fiscally sound institution with a bold vision for the future. Your investment as a new Founder will fund the next leg of the journey – and we hope you will take part in planning where we will go!
To date, these individuals have contributed over $13.6 million in capital and annual operations support, providing the funds to improve the waterfront, build today’s DBMS campus and purchase the boats and equipment required to operate top-notch programs. Going forward, Founders, along with members of the Legacy Society, are the investors who will maintain and sustain the unique and valued resource the school has become for Duxbury and all who love Duxbury Bay.
Become a Founder!
Join the list of generous families below by becoming a DBMS Founder yourself! Take the first step in having a major impact on the future of DBMS by filling out a DBMS Founder Letter of Intent.
For questions, or more information, please contact Executive Director, Ali Spolsino, or call (781) 934-7555 x109.
Our Founders
The Clifford Family
David and Joan Collins
John Cutler
Sam and Peg Dennis
Duxbury Yacht Club
The Ellison Foundation
Jim and Alice Hoyt
Sherm and Diane Hoyt
Steven and Valerie Loring
Dick and Sheila Morse
Bonnie Noonan
Chuck Post
The Robinson/Hewitt Family
The Safe Family
Orin and Stephanie Smith
Jack and Marina Davis
Bill and Lynn Rice
Steve and Lynn Brown
Dr. and Mrs. L.T. Chylack
Grafton Memorial Fund
Bob and Charlyn Heidenreich
Wes and Mary Horton
Dick and Pat Loring
David and Pat Lowry
Ed and Michele McGrath
Tom and Donna Wood
Kevin and Kathy Gould & Family
Arthur and Eileen Hogan
Lou and Sue Jannetty
Cap Kane and Annie Eldridge
The Schofield Family
Walter and Shirley Amory
Marsh and Missy Carter
Shawn Dahlen & Family
Galaxy Mutual Funds
Karen Metscher
The Schermerhorn Family
Jack Kent, Sr.
The Loebs Family
in memory of Mike Safe
Plymouth Savings Bank
Rick and Sharon Fownes
The Haas Family
Ned and Janet Lawson
Deborah Bornheimer
David and Deborah Caso
Robert and Alison Davidson
John and Cynthia Reed
John and Kathy Stanton
The Demos Family
Kevin and Ann Mullins
Skip, Samantha and Maya Bennett
Bernie Haffey
Elaine Haffey
Guy and Amy Holbrook
Sarah, Guy & Welles
Bingham McCutchen LLP
Tom and Nancy O’Neill
Alec and Leah Petro
John and Cathy White
Mary Ellen and Peter Lawrence
The Rudicus Family
The Palmisano Family
The Salah Family Foundation
Chuck and Harriet Leonard
Al Krahmer and Family
The Quigley Family
Brad and Jolène Tribble
David and Michelle Kelly
Richard and Nancy Heath
Jerome Powell & Family
Al and Jill Elliot
The Saquish Foundation
Buchanan Family Foundation
Ted & Edie Devnew
Jack and Akiko Kent, Jr.
Richard and Kathleen Lyons
The Phalen Family
Keith and Nancy Pratt
Kevin and Emily Dahlen
Peter and Sallyann Farnum
Jane T.N. Fogg
Peter and Sue Hoover
Brian and Amy Sack
Fran and Christina Doran
Wells and Leelie Dow in honor of Linc Dow
Jill and Paal Gisholt
Kenneth and Martha Johnston
Martin and Jenn Monaghan
Peter and Barbara Palfrey
Gary Powell
Vince and Wendy Spiziri
Dan and Marjorie Sullivan
Thomas and Jennifer Weldon
Dave and Marcia Manly
Adam and Licia Brown
Roessner Family Foundation
Bill and Cheri Boyd
Peter and Laurel Dimatteo
Eric and Kimberly Granat
Charlie and Martha Clapp
Michael Whitmore
Brian and Beth King
Jeff Stracka and Linda Klein
Ann Kinnealy-Millman
Rob & Ali Spolsino
Josie and Jon Marston
Holly and Jimmy Morris
Heather and James Colleary
Eric and Christine Arcese
Hutker Architects
Winter Owl Consulting
William & Susan Looney