Private Sailing Lessons

Private Lessons: Summer 2022 Format

A private lesson package consists of the following:

6 Lessons – 1.5 hours in length and are a combination of time spent on land and water

Use the calendar to determine which days and times work best for your schedule and then click the “Book Private Lessons” to register for all of your desired time slots. It is recommended that you book no more than 3 Land Lessons prior to booking a Water Lesson. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out to Adult Sailing with any questions:

Private Lesson slots are up for the season! Scroll through to May for availability.

Program Description

Private lessons are a great opportunity for students to rapidly improve their skills one on one with an instructor. Lessons are scheduled on an individual basis based around the tides. 

At DBMS we operate off of a 6 lesson plan format for our instructors to provide a new sailor with all of the information, as well as time on the water, needed for an individual to become knowledgeable and feel comfortable sailing. More lessons may be needed/suggested pending the progress and comfort level of the sailor. 

Practice time on the water is key to becoming a competent sailor. After lesson 5 and before lesson 6 we ask our sailors to come down and take a boat out on their own while under the watchful eyes of the DBMS staff. Once a sailor has completed a checklist of mastered skills, acquired through the lessons, they may be cleared to become a DBMS Renter. 

To book a lesson please see the Private Lesson Calendar for available times. If there is a time you’d like to book please reach out to Adult Sailing  at

DBMS Adult Sailing Private Lesson Outline

Lesson 1

On Land- Theory, Wind Indicator, Points of Sail (No Go Zone and Reaching)

On Water- Safety and Rules, Tacking, Capsize Prevention, Derigging

Lesson 2

On Land- Review Lesson 1

Knots- Cleat, Clove Hitch, Figure 8 

On Water- Rigging, Breakdown

Lesson 3

On Land- Close Hauled, Running

On Water- Gybing, Rules of the Road

Lesson 4

Knots- Bowline, Coil

On Water- Sailing to Destinations

Lesson 5

On Land- Leaving/ Returning to a mooring, Radio Use

On Water- Repeated Mooring Take Off / Landing Practice

—–Solo Practice—-

Lesson 6

On Land- Sudden Storm, Running Aground, Person Overboard 

On Water- Reefing, Person Overboard

**Please note this is a rough outline and the instructor may skip around the lessons due to weather conditions**