Please read below to learn of the most recent preventative measures DBMS is taking to ensure the safety of its staff and participants while operating during Phase 3 Restrictions.

DBMS Campus Guidelines

Please read and respect the following guidelines for our campus:

  • Practice safe social distancing at 6ft
  • Masks must be worn at all times
  • Follow traffic patterns where indicated
  • No public access to DBMS buildings
  • Absolutely no alcohol, smoking or vaping on premise
  • Please take your trash with you when you leave
  • All travelers arriving to Massachusetts are instructed to self-quarantine for 14 days. 

These guidelines enable DBMS to safely offer programming for our participants. While this does change the usual access to the DBMS Campus, we are thrilled that we may still serve the community through our programs.

Thank you for helping us keep our participants and staff safe!

For any questions or concerns specific to our COVID-19 Preventative Measures, please email Kenzie Thompson at

Duxbury Bay Adventures COVID-19 Protocols

Please check back for COVID-19 protocol.

DBMS Rowing Cleaning & Disinfecting Plan

  • Everyone must disinfect hands upon arrival at the boathouse or dock
  • All program participants and instructors must wear masks on campus at all times.
  • Instructors and participants must adhere to social distancing guidelines of 6’ separation at all times.
  • Class sizes are limited to 10 participants, including instructors.
  • Classes will have designated meeting locations with floor markings indicating 6’ spacing for individuals.
  • Oars must be handled by the participant, and disinfected after use – placed in the boat and removed from the boat by the participant, then dunked in a bleach solution and left on the ground for washing and drying.
  • Oar handle disinfectant will be a bleach solution in buckets. Seats, foot straps, oarlocks and cockpits will be sprayed with disinfectant, or washed with soap between participants.
  • Participants may lower their masks after launching from the dock, and must put their mask back on before returning to the dock.
  • Gangway is One Way only – people may not pass one another on the ramp. Rather they can wait, out of the way, at the top or bottom for the ramp to be available.
  • Gangway railings and other high touch surfaces will be sanitized on a regular schedule.
  • Oar rack will be moved outside before class and returned to the boathouse after the last class.
  • Oars will be rotated so that they are never used by two classes in a row.  They will be disinfected and left to dry between uses.
  • Participants will be discouraged from congregating before and after classes.
  • No personal belongings will be stored in the boathouse or on the decks.
  • Bathrooms and water refilling are not available at this time.

DBMS Rowing Participant Protocol & Rules


  • If you are sick, or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 do not come to campus and please notify DBMS.
  • If you have traveled outside of MA, you must follow all State Guidelines regarding testing and quarantine before returning to DBMS Programs.
  • Disinfect your hands upon arrival at the boathouse or dock.
  • All program participants and instructors must wear masks on campus at all times.
  • Everyone must adhere to social distancing guidelines of 6’ separation at all times.
  • Bring a filled water bottle from home and take it with you when you leave.  Water refilling is not available on campus.
  • Do not store personal belongings, including jackets and other clothing, on campus.  Leave it in your car or take it on the water with you.
  • Gather a pair of clean oars from the oar rack without touching other sets.
  • Wait for participants from previous classes to move off the dock and away from the area before moving down to the dock.
  • Gangway is One Way only – people may not pass one another on the ramp. 
  • Oars must be handled by the participant – placed in the boat and removed from the boat by the participant.  
  • You may bring a towel or rag to dry your seat, but it has to go with you in your boat and be taken home at the end of class.
  • Participants may lower their masks after launching from the dock, and must put their mask back on before returning to the dock.
  • Used oars should be dunked, handles down, in a bucket of bleach and water, then left on the ground for an instructor to soap and rinse.
  • Oars must not be re-used in successive classes.  They must be cleaned and dried before the next use.
  • Rowing shells will be disinfected after use by an instructor before the next group of participants comes down on the dock.
  • After class, please move up the gangway and out of the area and avoid congregating on campus.
  • East staircase is one way up and West staircase is one way down.  6’ of physical distance must be maintained at all times.

DBMS Sailing Rental Protocol & Rules

COVID Modifications

DBMS is proud to offer Marshal 15 rentals safely that meet the guidelines for COVID put in place by the Governor of MA. Please see below for additional COVID information.

  • Any and all potential renters must not have or experienced in the past 14 days COVID related symptoms.
  • Renters must have had a ‘checkout sail’ in the past two season (2018, 2019)
    If new please reach out to Adult Sailing Director Jim at to schedule a ‘checkout sail’
  • All bookings must be made online at DBMS Rentals. No bookings on site at this time.
  • Masks MUST be worn while on DBMS campus and docks


How to book

  • In order to minimize the amount of contact between mixed parties on land, all Marshal 15 sailboat rentals must be booked and paid for online at
    • When renting, once a renter has paid they will then be able to book a time slot
    • If you run into any problems please email the program director and/or 


  • When parking on DBMS campus, please be conscious of social distancing when getting out of the car, and when walking towards any DBMS buildings


  • While on DBMS land campus we ask that you please follow social distance guidelines
    • Wear a mask that covers nose and mouth when on campus
    • Keep 6 feet away from non same household parties
    • Not gather in groups larger than 10


  • All boats will be sanitized by the sailing director after each use 
  • Renters are more than welcome to bring their own sanitizing products 
    • Renters are responsible for disposal of all trash produced while at DBMS

Rental Procedure

1. Be sure that you have ALL appropriate gear needed for the current and predicted weather. 

  • CDC recommended COVID mask must be worn while on campus 
  • When out at sea, the mask may be removed at your discretion 

2. Know your limitations. Do not go out if you think the wind or weather are too much!

3. When checking in during COVID Phase 1 of reopening you will;

  • Retrieve a radio from the Adult Sailing Locker located in the front of the building
  • Turn Radio on to CH 71, push talk button and hail DBMS to check in
    • “DBMS, DBMS, this is _______. I am checking in, letting you know that I am on campus”

Important radio channels are listed below

  • Ch 71 DBMS Front Desk
  • Ch 16 Duxbury HarborMaster
  • Ch 10 Bay Rider Launch Services

4. All rentals will be located on DBMS docks. 

  • All gangways are one way. 
    • People coming up the ramp have the right of way
  • When rigging, be sure to ALWAYS have the boat facing into the wind when possible. 
  • Before casting off, be sure to have a Plan A and Plan B on where you’d like to sail
    • Remember, boats swing on their moorings
  • Please use extreme caution when moving through the mooring field
  • Take the most direct path out of the mooring field towards clear water 

5. Please stay in the boundary area depicted in the map on the back of this paper. If you go outside the radio may not reach DBMS or the HarborMaster

6. Please arrive back at the dock with at least 15 minutes to go in the time slot.

  • Before sailing back to the dock, 
    • be sure to have a Plan A and Plan B on where you’d like to sail
    • Remember, boats swing on their moorings
  • Please use extreme caution when moving through the mooring field
  • Take the most direct path out of the mooring field towards clear water 
  • Be conscious of the tides 

7. When landing on the DBMS dock

  • Always approach the dock with little to no speed 
  • Position yourself to land with the boat facing into the wind when possible
    • NEVER land on a run or with the wind to your back
    • NEVER put your hand out or down on the dock

8. Once safely on the dock 

  • Put mask back on
  • Derig the boat completely
  • Radio CH71 to notify DBMS that you have arrived back
    • Bring Radio back to Adult Sailing locker
    • Wipe Radio down with available wipes from locker

DBMS Rental Boundary and Guide Map

Powerboating COVID-19 Protocols

  • If you are sick, or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 do not come to campus. Please call DBMS to reschedule.
  • Powerboating lessons for more than one person can only be given to members of a single household.
  • Private powerboating lessons can be given in a DBMS vessel or a private vessel.
  • All DBMS vessels will be disinfected by the instructor at the conclusion of the lesson
  • We are unable to offer lifejackets to participants. If you are using a DBMS vessel for your lesson, you must provide your own life jacket. You are not required to wear a life jacket in your own vessel.
  • All program participants and instructors must wear masks at all times during the lesson.

DBMS Staff COVID-19 Policies:

The following describes DBMS policies for staff exposure and/or positive testing for Covid-19:

DBMS Employee Exhibits symptoms for COVID-19:

If an employee exhibits COVID-19 symptoms, the employee must remain at home until he or she is symptom free for 72 hours (3 full days) without the use of fever-reducing or other symptom-altering medicines (e.g., cough suppressants). DBMS will similarly require an employee who reports to work with symptoms to return home until he or she is symptom free for 72 hours (3 full days). To the extent practical, employees are required to obtain a doctor’s note clearing them to return to work.

DBMS Employee Tests Positive for COVID-19:

An employee who tests positive for COVID-19 will be directed to self-quarantine away from work. Employees that test positive and are symptom free may return to work when at least seven (7) days have passed since the date of his or her first positive test, and have not had a subsequent illness. Employees who test positive and are directed to care for themselves at home may return to work when: (1) at least 72 hours (3 full days) have passed since recovery; and (2) at least seven (7) days have passed since symptoms first appeared.

Employees who test positive and have been hospitalized may return to work when directed to do so by their medical care providers. DBMS will require an employee to provide documentation clearing his or her return to work.

DBMS Employees who have had close contact to a Positive Covid Case:

Employees who have come into close contact with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 (co-worker or otherwise) will be directed to self-quarantine for 14 days from the last date of close contact with that individual. Close contact is defined as six (6) feet for a prolonged period of time.

If DBMS learns that an employee has tested positive, DBMS will conduct an investigation to determine co-workers who may have had close contact with the confirmed-positive employee in the prior 14 days and direct those individuals who have had close contact with the confirmed-positive employee to self-quarantine for 14 days from the last date of close contact with that employee. If applicable, DBMS will also notify any students, participants, guests or visitors who may have had close contact with the confirmed-positive employee. If an employee learns that he or she has come into close contact with a confirmed-positive individual outside of the workplace, he/she must alert a manager or supervisor and self-quarantine for 14 days from the last date of close contact with that individual.

DBMS Staff/Participant/Guest Covid-19 Response Plan:

In the event DBMS is notified that an individual has tested positive for Covid-19 and has recently been on campus and in contact with DBMS participants, guests and/or staff, DBMS will:

  1. Assemble the Crisis Team to assess the situation and lead the response.
  2. Determine all possible individuals (students, participants, guests and staff) who had potential exposure.
  3. While maintaining all required confidentiality, and in collaboration with the Town Board of Health, communicate to all of these individuals that they had potential exposure and ask that they follow CDC guidelines for exposure.
  4. Determine if temporary closure of part or all of campus is appropriate, and if so, initiate this closure. 
  5. Clean and disinfect all campus areas and infrastructure that may have been exposed to the positive individual per CDC guidelines.
  6. Determine what additional communication about this exposure is necessary and appropriate to share with DBMS stakeholders.