Third Wave Marine Ecology 101
In the third and final class of the wave sequence, students will learn about current research being done in the field of marine science and what direction it’s heading in for the future. Lessons will be incorporated with hands-on field trips which allow students to dive in and learn what its like to do field studies as a marine scientist!
The class is taught by 2 instructors and utilizes a 15-passenger can, allowing students to not only explore Duxbury Bay and surrounding ecosystems such as the tide pools at Marshfield jetty, but they will also take a field trip down to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute to talk with real scientists and hear about their path into the field of Marine Science.[/textbox]
Catch 'em Fishing
Learn how to fish from the best! This isn’t classroom stuff, this is hands on meet up and go.
SOLD OUT last summer! Book early, don’t miss this opportunity!
Prepare for 4 days of fishing in the bay and even further while you go angling for the blues, and if they aren’t keepers then you’ll go trapping for lobsters, and digging for quahogs.
Learn knot tying, bait and tackle tactics, and casting to fish handling, cleaning and filleting.
From Duxbury Bay and beyond Capt John takes you to where the fish are and you bring some home for sampling![/textbox]